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(Revised 07/10/2015)


This organization shall be known as: SACRAMENTO VALLEY WOMEN'S SOCCER LEAGUE, from now on referred to as the League or SVWSL.


The purpose of this League shall be to develop, promote and administer the game of soccer as a recreational sport for women 16 and older, regardless of ability, within the territory of the League. The League believes that all women have right to play soccer free from discrimination or prejudicial behavior on and off the soccer field.

ARTICLE III. Organization

Section 1. The League shall have and exercise all rights and powers conferred on a nonprofit organization under the laws of California, including the right to contract, rent, buy, or sell personal or real property.

Section 2. No substantial part of the activities of this League shall consist of carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the League shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign (including the publishing or distribution of statements) on behalf of any candidate for public office.

Section 3. The principal office for the transaction of the business of this League is located in the County of Sacramento, State of California.

Section 4. The general management of the affairs of this League shall be under the control, supervision, and direction of the Board of Directors.

Section 5. The territory of the League shall be the area within which the League sanctions games and shall encompass the following counties: Sutter, Yolo, Sacramento, El Dorado, Yuba, Placer, San Joaquin, and Solano.

Section 6. The Sacramento Valley Women's Soccer League will not provide compensatory damages for any personal injuries sustained while participating in any League function.

Section 7. This League shall be governed by the Bylaws and the Rules and Procedures, except when these are superseded by the United States Soccer Federation or its affiliates.


Section 1. Class of Membership

A player or coach becomes a member of the League upon registering with the League Registrar, paying applicable registration fees and showing proof of age if required.

A. Membership shall be open to women who are at least 16 years of age prior to registration, subject to restrictions stated in the League’s Rules and Procedures.

B. Players in Age Restricted Divisions: Teams in divisions subject to age restrictions, including but not limited to an Over 30 division, may only have players who fall within the age range of that division as outlined in the League’s Rules and Procedures within the seasonal year, defined in Section 3(D), in which the playing season falls.

C. Coaches: Coaches of teams in the League must register with the League’s affiliating entity.

Section 2. Eligibility or Qualifications

A. As outlined in the League's Rules and Procedures, a recognized team is a team that is in good standing with the League. A team in good standing shall:

1. Submit the League's Registration Request Form in accordance with the Registrar's procedures and deadlines.

2. Submit or be in the process of submitting registration fees in accordance with the League Treasurer's procedures and deadlines.

3. Be current in all other financial matters with the League.

B. Only League members on a team's roster may play for that team.

C. Individual teams are free to establish reasonable requirements related to team membership, such as, but not limited to, attendance at practices; however, these rules conflict with the basic League purpose.

D. Registration materials shall be maintained by the League Registrar and will be considered to be the formal team roster. A team roster may contain up to the maximum number of players authorized by our State Association (currently 25) and a minimum of 11 players.

E. Each team shall appoint a Board Representative and a Team Coordinator. Their duties shall be as defined in the League's Bylaws and Rules and Procedures.

Section 3. Fees or Dues

A. Annual dues for the League shall be payable upon application for membership. Players are not eligible to play until the player pass has been received. There will be no proration of dues.

B. A team will be assessed a fee for forfeiting a game as described in the Rules and Procedures.

C. Registration is by seasonal year.

D. A seasonal year is from September 1st through August 31st.

Section 4. Rights of Membership

A. The League will strive to establish both recreational and competitive playing categories, including but not limited to open and over 30 divisions.

B. The Board of Directors will reconsider Rules of Play annually for each playing category. Changes to the Rules of Play will appear in the Rules and Procedures.

Section 5. Resignations and Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary actions on behalf of the League are under the control of the Procedures and Discipline (PAD) Committee.

ARTICLE V. Officers

Section 1. Elected Officers

A. The League will have eleven officers elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM): President, Vice President/Secretary, Treasurer, Referee Coordinator, Registrar and six Members at Large.

B. A League Officer must either currently be a member of the League or must have previously been a member of the League.

C. If an officer resigns or is unable to serve her full term the Executive Committee will appoint a member of the League to serve until the next election. This action must be ratified by the Board of Directors at its next regular meeting.

Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities

A. The President shall:

1. Conduct and control all League meetings.

3. Be Chairperson of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.

4. Be Chairperson of the Procedures and Discipline (PAD) Committee if the Immediate Past President is unable to serve in this capacity.

5. Recommend to the Executive Committee the formation of special committees needed to carry out the business of the League.

6. Sign League checks when necessary and be an authorized signatory on all League related accounts.

7. Cast a vote in all meetings and all issues only if the vote is taken by ballot. In any other case she may vote only to break a tie.

8. Shall attend or appoint representatives to attend any required meetings of the League’s affiliating entity.

9. Represent the interests of the League as a whole.

B. The Vice President/Secretary shall:

1. In the absence of the President, preside at the League meetings and/or chair the committees to which the President is assigned.

2. Be a voting member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.

3. Schedule all League meetings.

4. Keep a complete record of all meetings.

5. Handle all correspondence and give notice of meetings.

6. Maintain all records and files required by the League except as otherwise specifically assigned.

C. The Treasurer shall:

1. Keep detailed records of funds received and paid out.

2. Make a Treasurer's Report at all League meetings.

3. Be a voting member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.

4. Sign all League checks and be an authorized signatory on all League related accounts.

5. Prepare and file annual nonprofit corporation documents.

D. The Referee Coordinator shall:

1. Act on behalf of the League to develop, standardize, and coordinate the use of referees.

2. Act as liaison between the League and any referee association the League engages.

3. Be a voting member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.

E. The Registrar shall:

1. Attend scheduled Executive Committee, Board of Directors (BOD) and Annual General Meetings (AGM).

2. Act as liaison to the League’s affiliating entity concerning registration fees and other registration concerns.

3. Order player passes, transfer, and drop players from the League’s affiliating entity.

4. Prepare temporary player passes, if needed.

5. Distribute player passes to team managers.

6. Prepare and propose fees and registration schedule to Executive Committee.

7. Prepare and provide registration fees, materials and forms to each team’s Board Representative and a Team Coordinator.

8. Collect associated fees for teams and players and submit to League Treasurer.

9. Maintain League’s registration records, including team rosters.

10. Be a voting member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.

F. Each Member at Large shall:

1. Be Chairperson of one of the League's standing committees and appoint at least two League members to serve on the committee.

2. Be a voting member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.

Section 3. Terms of Office

League Officers will be elected by the Board of Directors to serve for the seasonal year.

Section 4. Nominations and Elections

A. A Nominations Committee chaired and appointed by the Immediate Past President will submit a slate of nominees to the Board of Directors at least 30 days before the AGM.

B. The League Officers will be elected at the AGM by ballot. A majority of the votes cast will be required to elect any Officer.

C. Additional nominations for any position can be made at the AGM by a member of the Board of Directors.

D. For any uncontested office a voice vote may be taken if there is no objection from a member of the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE VI. Board of Directors

Section 1. Composition

The Board of Directors will consist of the eleven elected League Officers, the Immediate Past President and one Board Representative appointed by each recognized team.

Section 2. Board Representatives

A. Each Board Representative will serve for the seasonal year. If a team's Board Representative is elected to a position on the Executive Committee, is unable to serve, changes teams, or fails to represent the interests of the team, the team may name a new Board Representative to serve for the remainder of the term. A Board Representative shall be either a registered member of the team they represent; the registered coach of the team they represent; or a designated non-member representative of a team who has been approved by the President in advance.

B. Each Board Representative shall:

1. Ensure that coaches and players from the team are kept informed of the results of the Board of Directors meetings.

2. Attend the Board meetings or send a representative. Failure to provide representation will result in the assessment of a fee as described in the Rules and Procedures.

3. Have one vote at Board meetings.

4. Represent the team in Board matters.

Section 3. Duties and Responsibilities

A. The Board of Directors shall, within the guidelines of the Bylaws, be responsible for and have sole authority for the following:

1. Be familiar with, interpret, and enforce the Bylaws and Rules and Procedures of the League, and all applicable rules and regulations of the associations with which the League is affiliated.

2. Approve procedures for formation of registered teams.

3. Ensure proper registration of all players and teams.

4. Ensure proper accounting of fiscal transactions.

5. Sanction travel of teams for any competitions played outside League boundaries.

6. Establish a common set of administrative rules for all teams registered with the League.

7. Establish a common set of playing rules for League play.

8. Provide levels of competition within the League for all players within the boundaries of the League.

9. Provide opportunities of play for all women older than 16 years of age within the boundaries of the League.

10. Elect the League Officers.

11. Approve all activities of the League and of the teams affiliated with the League, including but not limited to fundraising activities, tournaments, publicity, and recruiting activities.

12. Approve the League proposed annual budget.

13. Approve all special committees designated by the Executive Committee.

14. Make all policy decisions not covered by the Bylaws and Rules and Procedures.

15. Elect League members to represent the League in organizations with which the League is affiliated.

16. Establish the duration of the playing season at the commencement of the seasonal year.

ARTICLE VII. Executive Committee

Section 1. Composition

The Executive Committee will consist of:

A. The 11 Officers of the League (President, Vice President/Secretary, Treasurer, Referee Coordinator, Registrar, and six Members at Large).

B. The Immediate Past President.

Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities

A. The Executive Committee will be responsible for executing the policies, rules, and procedures established by the Board of Directors.

B. The Executive Committee has total decision-making authority for the day-to-day activities of the League within these established guidelines.

C. Members of the Executive Committee shall represent the interests of the League as a whole.

D. Each member shall have one vote on the committee except that the President will vote only in the case of a tie.

E. The Executive Committee shall prepare the following documents for the approval of the Board of Directors:

1. A procedure for team and player registration.

2. A procedure for scheduling teams' play.

3. A list of special committees needed to carry out the functions of the League.

4. Desired changes to the Bylaws or Rules and Procedures.

5. A recommendation concerning special activities of the League for the current playing season (for example, tournaments and fundraisers).

6. Policy positions on areas not covered by the Bylaws or recommended interpretations of the same.

F. In case of an emergency, the Executive Committee may conduct an e-mail vote of the Board of Directors. A valid e-mail vote requires a vote from a majority of the Board of Directors and the action must be ratified at the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE VIII. Committees

Section 1. Standing Committees

A. Procedures and Discipline Committee (PAD)

1. Composition

a. The PAD Committee shall be chaired by the Immediate Past President. If she is unable or unwilling to accept this responsibility, the current President will perform that function.

b. The PAD Committee will consist of the Chairperson and four members appointed by the Chairperson. Three Alternates will also be selected but will vote only if they replace a committee member.

c. All members of the PAD Committee must be members of separate teams. An Alternate will take the place of a committee member if the committee member is unable to attend the meeting or her team is in any way involved in the proceedings.

d. Each member of the PAD Committee will have one vote except that the Chairperson will only vote in case of a tie.

e. PAD Committee members will serve for the entire playing season.

f. A quorum for the PAD Committee meetings shall be 80% of the members.

2. Duties and Responsibilities

a. The PAD Committee shall determine penalties that should be applied to individuals or coaches who are “red carded.”

b. The PAD Committee shall review grievances and protests and take action in accordance with the California Youth Soccer Association (CYSA) recommended penalties.

c. A decision of the PAD Committee is final and will not be reviewed by the Board.

d. The PAD Committee shall be convened:

i. At the request of the Chairperson to resolve a problem or to review the actions of a player, coach, team, or referee.

ii. At the request of two of its members to review the actions of a player, coach, team, or referee.

iii. When a “red card” is given.

iv. When a grievance is filed.

B. Other Standing Committees

1. Composition

Each of the following standing committees shall be chaired by a Member at Large. Each committee shall consist of the Chairperson and at least two League members appointed by the Chairperson. All committee members must be members of the League or must have previously been a member of the League.

2. Duties and Responsibilities

a. The Field Committee will be responsible for securing fields for the League and for obtaining and distributing field permits to teams.

b. The Schedule Committee will be responsible for placing teams in appropriate divisions and for developing and distributing a schedule.

c. The Equipment Committee will be responsible for purchasing, storing, inventorying, and distributing equipment to teams before the start of the seasonal year.

d. The Valley Cup Committee will be responsible for planning, coordinating, and hosting the League's annual Valley Cup Tournament.

e. The Recruitment and Marketing Committee will be responsible for promotion of the League's activities and the recruitment of new members.

f. The Website Committee will be responsible for maintaining and updating the League’s website with current information for team registration, game schedules, field locations, tournament information, meetings and other League-related information as needed.

Section 2. Special Committees

The Executive Committee may, with the approval of the Board of Directors, establish special committees deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the League in the current seasonal year. These committees will expire at the end of the seasonal year, or earlier, if the function ends prior to that time.

These committees will carry with them the authority and the responsibility for carrying out the day-to-day activities required for the performance of the assigned tasks within the guidelines established by the Executive Committee. They will report to the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE IX. Meetings

Section 1. Regular Board of Director meetings

A. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held whenever the President deems it necessary or if she is instructed to do so by four or more members of the Board of Directors.

B. A quorum for a regular meeting shall be a majority of the members of the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Executive Committee meetings

A. Executive Committee meetings shall be held whenever the President deems it necessary or at the request of three of the members.

B. A quorum for the Executive Committee meetings shall be a majority of the members of the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

A. The AGM is composed of the Board of Directors.

B. The League's AGM will be held between June 1st and August 31st of each year. The Board of Directors must be notified at least 30 days prior to the AGM.

C. A quorum for the AGM shall be a majority of the Board of Directors.

D. The business of the AGM shall include:

1. Election of the League Officers.

2. Presentation of the President's Annual Report.

3. Presentation of the Treasurer's Financial Report.

E. Each member of the Board of Directors shall have one vote. The President may vote only if a vote is taken by ballot. In any other case she may vote only to break a tie.

ARTICLE X. Parliamentary Authority

The most current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall be deemed as the SVWSL

parliamentary authority in all matters related to these Bylaws and its members.

ARTICLE XI. Amendment of the Bylaws

The SVWSL Bylaws may be amended only under the following conditions:

A. Only at the AGM.

B. Only after written notice is given to the Board of Directors at least 30 days prior to the AGM.

C. Only by a ballot vote where 2/3 of the votes cast will be required for adoption of any Bylaws amendment.

ARTICLE XII. Dissolution

A. This League is organized for nonprofit purposes and does not contemplate monetary gain or profit to the members thereof. The property of this League is irrevocably dedicated to recreational purposes and no part of the net income or assets of this organization shall inure to the benefit of any director, officer, or member thereof or to the benefit of any private individual.

B. Upon the dissolution or winding up of the League, its assets remaining after payment of or provision of payment of all debts and liabilities of the League shall be distributed to a ;nonprofit fund, foundation, or corporation that is organized and operated exclusively for youth soccer purposes and that has established its tax exempt status under Section 501(c)4 of the Internal Revenue Code.

C. If this League holds any assets in trust, such assets shall be disposed of in such manner as may be directed by decree of the Superior Court of Sacramento County, upon petition therefore by the Attorney General or by a person concerned in the liquidation, in a proceeding to which the Attorney General is a party.